The real estate bust and prolonged recession have shriveled one of this country’s most thriving regions.
Red Fields to Green Fields will:
- Accelerate our “Safe Routes to Schools” and “Safe Paths to Parks” initiatives and link new greenspaces with kids.
- Increase access for education, recreation and after school programs and reduce urban crime.
- Add 1,625 acres of additional parkland and build a link the only US metropolitan area bordered by two US National Parks (Everglades and Biscayne Bay).
- Create 312 acres of transit oriented development that links our public places, and increase the tax base by an additional $58.8 million per year.
- Create 14,375 jobs per year for 5 years.
National Research Project – Phase 1 Meeting
Atlanta, GA – January 19, 2010
Presenter: Howard Gregg